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360 Customer Experience
Omni-channel Customer Journey

An omni-channel customer experience (CX) is a multichannel (online and offline) approach to marketing, sales and customer service which creates an unified and consistent customer experience in each step.

360 omni-channel CX strives to connect all customer touchpoints, which used to be independent individual experiences so far, to allow customers to continue where they left off on one channel and continue the experience on another.

Image by Maxim Hopman



Majority of companies nowadays operate both online and offline, however, that does not mean that they provide 360 omni-channel experience. There are 3 stages in this path:

1. Commerce: good online and offline shopping experience

2. Personalisation: personalised, targeted and relevant cross-channel engagement.

3. Ecosystem: fully integrated platforms providing 360 customer experience from beginning until the end within a community which blends in consumer's needs, values and lifestyle




A customer journey and experience which is consistent across all channels has been shown to lead to more loyal brand ambassadors, positive reviews and social media sharing.

To be consistent in every moment your target audience is in touch with your brand strengthens the image and identity and gives you more control over the customer journey.

Consistency of interaction across all channels builds trust with customers and leads to more successful omnichannel user experiences.



Simply, brand familiarity is the number of brand related direct or indirect experiences that customer has. Also, one of the benefits of establishing brand familiarity is that
consumers are way more likely to purchase familiar brands over ones they are not familiar with.
Brand familiarity is a crucial component when creating higher brand awareness and sending out
consistent messages that excite customers create brand familiarity.



Happier Customers


Revenue Gain


Higher Customer Retention


Retail Innovation


Consolidated Positioning


Free Market Research



Internal Analysis
External Analysis
Engagement Assessment
Trends & Market Shifts
Branding Consolidation

Strategy Proposal
Online & Retail Engagement
Experiential Marketing
Risk Analysis
Contingency Plan
Development & Implementation Outline
Outcome Estimation

If you want to know more download a full description

 ​To get detailed outline of what this service does, how does it help and what it includes, contact us using the contact form below and we will gladly send it to you in an email.

Omni-channel Strategy Info

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